Stroke & Paralysis

In our many years of practice, we have seen that acupuncture is a valuable tool in stroke recovery. We target specific acupuncture points especially of the head to stimulate energy (qi) flow into the areas of the body affected by stroke. Depending on our patient’s needs and symptoms, we may employ electroacupuncture, which  involves pairs of needles or multiple pairs simultaneously delivering mild electrical currents. Electrical stimulation, even without acupuncture, is well-recognized for its role in stroke rehabilitation, aiding individuals in regaining their lost motor functions.Both electrical stimulation and acupuncture have the capacity to enhance balance and mobility in stroke survivors. Stroke survivors often encounter a range of secondary effects, including spasticity, swallowing difficulties, and balance issues. Our goal is to alleviate these symptoms by strengthening circulation, blood flow, balance and muscle reflexes through our needling techniques.



We also may include Chinese herbal formulas that can aid in the recovery of strokes. Below is a few examples of herbs we might prescribe and their therapeutic benefits:

Ginkgo Biloba (Yinxingye): Ginkgo biloba is one of the most well-known herbs used in Chinese Medicine and can be beneficial for stroke recovery. It improves blood flow, increases oxygen supply to the brain, and has antioxidant properties, which can help protect our brain cells. Ginkgo biloba is also believed to improve cognitive function, which can reduce post-stroke symptoms. 

Panax Ginseng (Renshen): This herb is thought to have neuroprotective properties and enhance cognitive function. It is believed to help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which can occur after a stroke.

Danshen (Salvia Miltiorrhiza): Danshen is believed to have vasodilatory and antioxidant effects, potentially improving blood circulation and reducing damage to brain cells. It’s often used in Chinese Medicine for various cardiovascular conditions, including post-stroke care.

Huang Qin (Scutellaria Baicalensis): This herb is thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may help reduce inflammation in the brain and protect against further damage.

Huang Qi (Astragalus): Huang Qi is considered an immune system tonic and is believed to help enhance overall health and immunity. In Chinese Medicine, it’s sometimes used to support recovery and strengthen the body after a stroke.

Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum wallichii): Chuan Xiong is believed to improve blood circulation, relieve headaches and reduce the risk of blood clots, potentially contributing to stroke recovery.