Sciatica, Hip & Leg Pain
Acupuncture is known for its anti-inflammatory properties within the body. It operates on localized muscle and nerve tissues, facilitating enhanced blood circulation and immune system regulation. Acupuncture has the ability to decrease pain sensitivity in the brain, and elevate serotonin and noradrenaline levels, which contribute to pain management and accelerate nerve repair.
We have seen how acupuncture can be an effective treatment. Additionally, acupuncture complements the effects of prescribed medications for sciatica, which can lead to reduced dosages and mitigated side effects. When we use acupuncture for sciatica, we primarily aim to alter the body’s long-term pain response. By stimulating the nervous system, acupuncture prompts the release of endorphins, which effectively minimize pain sensations throughout the body.
We target various acupuncture points to maximize the effectiveness of our treatment. Our needling technique often involves points that are adjacent to the sciatic nerve. These points correspond to the flow of energy (qi) in our patient’s body. Our overall goal is to decrease pain by promoting increased blood circulation. Sciatica, hip and leg pain can be a very painful and debilitating. They are common conditions treated in our clinic with great results.
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