Neurological Disorders
Our approach to neurological disorders with acupuncture and herbal formula is to promote cellular regeneration and healing by working in harmony with the nervous system. Acupuncture works to create a connected circuit between specific acupuncture points and the neurological control center located in the brain. By providing the essential tools to both the body and brain, they collaborate in the healing process. Acupuncture effectively mobilizes energy while enhancing blood circulation and elevating cellular oxygen levels.
Neurological disorders encompass a broad spectrum of health conditions, ranging from common issues like headaches and seizures to more severe ones such as strokes and Alzheimer’s disease. Without proper treatment, these disorders can lead to various secondary health problems such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
We approach these neurological issues and other health challenges from a distinct perspective of creating balance throughout the entire bodily system. We begin our analysis at the cellular level, where the cell, when broken down further, can be understood as vital energy, or Qi. While neurological diseases primarily manifest in the brain, we believe that their origins can lie elsewhere in the body. We work with our patients to discover the underlying cause of the neurological disorder, and tailor our treatment plans to each patient’s unique symptoms and needs. We employs a range of therapeutic techniques, including acupuncture, herbal remedies, and dietary adjustments, to provide comprehensive and individualized care to those grappling with neurological disorders.
acupuncture herbal center marin county