
Deirdra Claiborne specializes in peri/post menopausal patients using acupuncture and Chinese herbs. In Chinese Medicine, Menopausal Symptoms are Dissipated & Lessened by applying Opposing Principals. This is the basis of Yin and Yang – two opposing, but equal and interdependent forces working together to keep balance and harmony. “Much like a river that cools and replenishes the parched earth.”

My ObGyn told me just prior to menopause that I would be begging him for hormone replacement. I looked at him in disbelief and told myself I would use my knowledge of Chinese medicine and other natural remedies in order to avoid synthetic hormones. In Chinese medicine each woman is treated individually, taking into account her particular physical, mental and emotional symptoms. When there are significant imbalances within the body, such as Yin deficiency and/or dampness, the menopausal symptoms tend to be more intense. Therefore, some women who are healthy energetically, according to Chinese medicine are able to go through this aging transition without any symptoms. Even if there are no symptoms during this transition, I think it is important to nourish the body in order to establish a solid foundation for later years. Treatment includes a combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture, along with dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

The pattern for most menopausal patients is Yin deficiency. Yin is responsible for moistening and cooling the body. Common symptoms of Yin deficiency are: hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, dryness, insomnia, fatigue, moodiness, neck and shoulder tension, depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure.

Another menopausal pattern is dampness which is most commonly expressed as excessive sweat, moist hands and feet, brain fog, stomach distension (bloat), yeast infections or skin fungus (candida).

As we age, less is more.

Therefore: LESS STRESS, CHOCOLATE, COFFEE, STIMULANTS, EXCESS FOOD, WINE, SWEETS, FRIED FOOD AND SPICEY FOOD. This is not to say you must completely deprive yourself of the things you enjoy, but just to be more mindful of the unpleasant effects associated with certain foods and lifestyle habits. Even small modifications in lifestyle can have a profound positive impact, giving you a greater sense of freedom and fewer uncomfortable symptoms.

The following are some changes to consider for peri/post menopausal patients: