Lyme Disease

Traditional Chinese medicine: acupuncture, herbs and suggested lifestyle changes are beneficial in treating Lyme disease (LD). When we see a patient afflicted with Lyme disease, we look at the individual’s pattern of imbalances. In most cases, through tongue and pulse diagnosis we can detect the root imbalance(s) that have been affected by the spirochete. Each patient has their own unique pattern. Usually we see three stages. In the initial stage, LD is classified as Fire Toxin, similar to an acute infection such as common cold or influenza- flu-like symptoms. The initial pattern turns into a damp heat toxin that has entered the body. At this stage the immune system responds strongly, exhibiting a red tongue with a greasy yellow coating, and a floating, rapid pulse. There may be musculoskeletal symptoms, such as loss of strength, low back, knee and joint pain. Another possible symptom is tinnitus.


The second stage is one of heat toxins with qi deficiency. The pathogen is stronger than in the first stage, and the body is somewhat weaker. The tongue is less red and more swollen, signifying more spleen deficiency. The pulse may be floating, with yang energy deficiency, because the yin energy is being consumed by trying to ward off the pathogen. Therefore, it is important to diagnose this disease as early as possible to prevent further damage to the body’s internal balance.


When this condition progresses to the deepest stage, profound qi, blood and yin deficiency are noted. Signs and symptoms would include extreme fatigue, loss of strength, tinnitus, low back pain, knee pain and swelling, dry mouth and throat, five-center heat, malar flushing, hair loss, memory loss, confusion and decreased physiological activity.


This complicated clinical picture requires the use of herbs. The patient experiences both strong excesses due to the body’s response in fighting this disease and potentially serious immune deficiencies. Thus the treatment may be best approached with customized herbal concoctions. Some patent preparations may be used as a supplement to the custom-blended herb formulas.


There are many alternative treatments for Lyme disease. We believe that a simple detoxification program in conjunction with Chinese medicine is beneficial. Herbs are especially useful in strengthening the immune system. Dietary recommendations are an increased alkaline diet to help reduce the inflammatory response. Acupuncture and herbs are helpful to reduce the toxic load in the system. When one is tring to ward off a pathogen, our belief is to decrease one’s stress level through acupuncture, yoga, massage and meditation.


Early signs and symptoms within a month of being infected by the tick bite:

~ Small, red bump or rash may appear at the site which is considered normal and does not indicate Lyme disease. If the redness expands over the next few days, forming a rash with a red outer ring surrounding a pin point clear area, this may be one of the signs of Lyme disease. Sometimes this rash is located at more than one place on the body.

~ Flu-like symptoms may include fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, and headache.

Signs and symptoms after several weeks or months:

~ Joint pain with episodes of severe joint pain and swelling. Knees are most likely to be affected. The pain can move from one joint to another.

~ Neurological symptoms. May experience meningitis which is an inflammation of the membranes (meninges) and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding your brain, Bell’s palsy which manifest as paralysis on one side of your face, limb numbness or weakness, and impaired or weak muscle coordination. These neurological symptoms can take weeks, months or years to appear after being infected.

We combine acupuncture treatments with Traditional Chineses herbs and add modern herbal technology to boost your immunity.