Frozen Shoulder
At Acupuncture Herbal Center, we have treated many patients with frozen shoulder, and understand the difficulty and frustration of this painful condition. We have seen it characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joints that leads to disrupted sleep and limited mobility. Our approach to treating frozen shoulder is effective, focusing on relieving inflammation, reducing pain, and improving range of motion through acupuncture therapy, electrotherapy, light therapy and herbal remedies.
Acupuncture offers several benefits for frozen shoulder, including reduced inflammation by stimulating the release of neuropeptides that regulate inflammation and blood flow. It also helps alleviate pain by triggering the release of serotonin and endorphins, promoting relaxation and altering pain perception in the brain. Additionally, acupuncture enhances blood flow to the shoulder area, aiding in nutrient delivery and reducing pain sensation, thus improving mobility.
We recommend acupuncture sessions to our patients once or twice per week for four weeks initially. Deirdra Claiborne and Dr. Wang will tailor your treatment plan based on your medical history and the severity of your condition, ensuring personalized care and optimal results. Shoulders are Deirdra’s favorite area of the body to treat, and her specialty treatments result in significant pain relief.