Bursitis & Tendonitis

Acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system, releasing endorphins, a natural painkiller and increases blood flow to reduce inflammation. Pain can be debilitating to a person’s life, and our main goal is to listen deeply to our patients and apply our understanding of the body and Chinese Medicine to help alleviate pain. Our approach often relieves pain, improves circulation, and enhances mobility by balancing the body’s energy to aid in healing.



Common types such as wrist, elbow (tennis or golfer’s elbow), Achilles heel pain, knee pain, and shoulder tendonitis & bursitis respond well to acupuncture. It’s a safe and widely practiced therapy, known for its ability to promote local blood circulation to the joint, stimulate the central nervous system and induce biochemical changes that promote healing. Acupuncture can help to expedite tendonitis recovery, reduce discomfort, improve range of motion, and decrease inflammation, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects. Recent studies support these therapeutic effects through pinpointing the specific neurons responsible for acupuncture’s anti-inflammatory actions.

Acupuncture Herbal Center Marin County