Arthritis & Joint Pain
Many clinical trials and our personal experience with rheumatoid arthritis have shown that acupuncture is an effective tool in relieving symptoms of stiffness & pain of the joint(s). According to Chinese medicine, arthritis is caused by a congestion of Qi(energy) of the meridian channels and pathways of the body.
Arthritis is a leading cause of pain, therefore we treat many patients with this musculoskeletal condition. Within our clinic for the past 40 years, major hospitals and insurance companies cover pain related conditions related to arthritis, because it has proven to be a modality that is very effective in improving the patients quality of life by reducing pain. Often, we like to include an herbal formula along with the acupuncture treatment, possibly using electrodes, cupping and light therapy to increase our positive health results. Lifestyle habits are taken into consideration, such as food intake and exercise. We always strive to make a positive impact in suggesting what exercise and foods are most beneficial.
Acupuncture herbal center marin county