Acupuncture has demonstrated effectiveness as a treatment for insomnia, offering release of endorphins and activation of the immune system and nerve pathways, thereby producing therapeutic effects.
In Chinese Medicine we view the concept of “constraint” (known as Yu), which says that many illnesses, including insomnia can be attributed to emotional issues causing stagnation within the body. We work with our patients to address and release this underlying constraint to alleviate the symptoms associated with insomnia.
Insomnia highlights the interplay of the liver, kidney, heart, and the concept of essence and blood. Stress, anxiety, and overwork can harm the liver and kidney, leading to a deficiency in essence and blood. The heart, responsible for controlling the blood and housing the Shen (spirit), may no longer effectively maintain sleep, thus giving rise to insomnia.
We work with specific acupuncture points to treat insomnia, including:
● PC 6 (Neiguan) to nourish the heart’s blood
● SJ3 (Zhongzhu) to balance yin and yang
● GB 34 (Yanglingquan) to address liver and gallbladder issues
● LR3 (Taichong) and LI4 (Hegu) for moving qi and dispelling stasis, SP6 (Sanyinjiao) to harmonize yin meridians
● KI3 (Taixi) to calm the mind and benefit essence
● KI6 (Zhaohai) for insomnia and anxiety
● BL65 (Shugu) on the Yangqiao meridian to alleviate excess qi
● ST36 (Zusanli) for reducing anxiety and promoting overall balance
We interpret insomnia as a result of Qi stagnation, which can escalate into heat, depleting Qi, Blood, and Yin, ultimately causing insomnia. Our acupuncture therapy aims to restore balance, unblock channels, and nourish the liver and kidney, subsequently resolving insomnia and related anxiety with a goal of bringing our patients into a state of peace.
acupuncture herbal center marin county