Hypertension & Blood Pressure
Treating Pre-Hypertension and Hypertension with Acupuncture and Herbs
Dr. Wang specializes in treating high blood pressure (pre-hypertension and hypertension) with acupuncture and herbs. His knowledge of eastern and western medicine in the field of cardiology is vast. He was a senior physician at the Cardiovascular Research Institute in China, as well as a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco, California. He won a fellowship award from the American Heart Association for his esteemed work in the study of the heart and kidney.
Acupuncture and herbs are very effective at reducing high blood pressure. Many Chinese trials have proven that acupuncture lowers blood pressure. The World Health Organization has found that acupuncture is comparable with some conventional blood pressure drugs. Chinese medicine can also work in conjunction with western medicine for patients that are already taking blood pressure medication but may not be responding well or may want to reduce their drugs because of negative side effects.
Dr. Wang encourages his patients to eat healthy, lose weight, reduce salt intake, lower alcohol consumption and exercise. These lifestyle changes support and improve one’s overall health as well as blood pressure. Pre-hypertensive patients are at a high risk in developing hypertension. Elevated blood pressure remains an important risk factor for cardiovascular and kidney diseases, including stroke, coronary heart disease, heart and kidney failure.
The acupuncture points that are selected relax the heart, lower blood pressure, calm the mind, reduce excess fire, tonify the yin, and regulate the Qi . The beauty of acupuncture is that it has no side effects but is believed to stimulate nerves that signal the part of the brain that controls blood pressure.
Dr. Wang’s father, who was a famous surgeon and professor of medicine, had cardiovascular disease at the age of 50. He was told that he would have a shortened life span, but through Chinese medicine, qi gong, light jogging, and eating high green leafy vegetable diet, he lived to be 92.
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